Saturday, June 4, 2011

The new Death Cab For Cutie is actually pretty alright

When I was younger and stupid I often referred to Death Cab For Cutie's music as music for fat girls.  I know this bad, and I apologize if you're offended.   But I was never really a big fan (not pun intended).  I am older and wiser now.  I did come to appreciate Ben Gibbard as a voclalist on Give Up, the first and last album under his side project The Postal Service.  This one turned out to be a bit of a the guilty pleasure for me, and brought me closer to being a DCFC fan.  While I haven't yet fully listened to their latest album Codes and Keys, I am enjoying the first single (and video).  I think it might have to do with the infectious guitar lead....

Check it out below:

DJ Shadow continues to disappoint

For me, DJ Shadow's Endtroducing is a landmark album.  Released in 1996, it is truly an album that was ahead of it's time, and one that spawned many copycats (I'm looking at you RJD2 and Moby). Since then,  he has released a couple albums here and there, experimenting with new genres (hyphy, funk and soul), essentially moving away from the sound he pioneered.  Really none of this has lived up to Endtroducing. I feel the same way about his new panned-out single called "I gotta Rokk".  It's ok.   But it's probably something that will get lost in my vast musical collection and rarely ever see the light of day again.

I gotta rokk, I gotta rokk (2011)

Midnight in a Perfect Work, Endtroducing (1996)